About Tridelta Food Pte Ltd
Tridelta Food Pte Ltd was started in 2003. However, the owner of the company had been in this business for more than 40 years. Ong Eng Kok went into the trade since he was 15 years old.
The long serving retail businesses serving turtle soup had been in this trade for more than 30 years. One can imagine the interesting inter-generation relationship between the distributor of turtle meat and the chefs in the eating-houses and hawker stalls. Such long relationship is truly unique in Singapore.
Tridelta Food believes in the quality of our product and production process. Hence, in year 2004, we started working towards HACCP certification so that our internal quality controls can be officially recognized. We were finally certified in 2005. This is a 1st for any turtle slaughterhouse in the world. We subsequently kept the HACCP practices but no longer sought re-certification.